About Us
NetPing east Co Ltd. is a developer and manufacturer of devices under NetPing label. The company has been founded in 2011. The aim of the founding this company was development and manufacturing of devices for monitoring TCP/IP networks.
For our products, we do not use OEM & ODM operation schemes with Chinese factories. We truly develop everything for our devices ourselves, starting from circuitry and firmware, and ending with package design. We are focused on ensuring high quality and coordinating the operation of subcontractors, so we purchase parts in China and Taiwan. We use the work of subcontractors to manufacture boards, plants for soldering components, and outsource contracts to assemble products. The only thing that we always do ourselves in the process of manufacturing is controlling the quality of our devices at all stages of manufacturing. In addition, such approach allows achieving minimal production cost of our products and thus easily excelling our competitors.
Our development team consists of Russian speaking developers. We use a remote work model, therefore our developers are located in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Some of them work in the company since it has been founded. For our special projects we engage specialists with a required set of knowledge from any location of the world, therefore we always have the highly qualified personnel to implement assigned tasks.
Main difference of our devices compared to competitors is a lower price and a higher reliability. This is explained by several factors:
- Manufacturing basic semi-finished products for our devices is located in Asia (Taiwan). This helps to use the access to Asian market of parts and components sold for minimal prices. On the other hand, this helps to ensure high quality of assembling and control because of higher manufacturing culture in Taiwan and constant presence of our own specialists at plants to control the operation quality;
- We do not use operational system in our devices. This allows decreasing costs of products and significantly increases operational reliability because the entire internal code is linear (there are no issues of dynamic memory, preemptive multitasking, complexity of external libraries, etc.);
- We create universal solutions for a certain market share. We do not finalize devices for an individual user. Our devices are reliable products that work out of the box in thousands of users.
We always support all our users directly. We have a comprehensive qualification in developing our devices and knowledge of their peculiarities. Our technical support provides high-end service. If necessary, we alter firmware and hardware of devices immediately.