NetPing Issued a Firmware Update DKSF 707.3.3 for a NetPing SMS Device

NetPing company announces the issue of updated firmware version DKSF 707.3.3 for a NetPing SMS device. This firmware version contains fixes of errors, new functionality implemented and an updated design of a device web interface.

So what have been changed in the latest version?

Firmware Version DKSF 707.3.3 from 25.05.2016:

  • A support of a packaged 7-bit GSM encoding is realized, including popular special characters «{», «}», «[», «]», «|», «\», «~», «^», «@»;
  • In the reference on NetPing MIB at the page «VARIABLES», a possibility of displaying positions with similar names but different OIDs (for different models of NetPing devices) is added. This innovation fixed incorrect displaying of positions «npRelHumSafeRangeLow» and «npRelHumSafeRangeHigh», which appeared in a previous firmware version;
  • A breakdown of an SMS command to words is enhanced, which allowed improving its processing with excessively long average words. In previous firmware versions, it was cut off the way a password disappeared from an SMS command. As a result, an SMS command was responded with the answer: «NP SNMP ERR Wrong password, access denied»;
  • In SMS messages on errors in processing SNMP TRAP (in case of absence of set variables at the page "VARIABLES" of a web interface) braces «{}» are replaced by brackets «()»;
  • Displaying firmware version on the main page and in headings of pages of a device web interface is brought into compliance;
  • Support of long (fragmented) SMS-messages more than 70 characters long is realized;
  • Support of WEBHOOK notifications to the indicated URL address (HTTP API calling) when a device receives an SMS message is realised;
  • A limit for a device to send SMS messages is increased from 60 to 120 messages per hour. When a limit is exceeded, a corresponding notification appears in a log of a device;
  • A built-in reference on NetPing MIB on the page «VARIABLES» of a device web interface is updated;
  • SMS notification from a module «Pinger» is updated. Now an address of a tested host is added into a text of an SMS-notification;
  • A spontaneous reboot of a device when receiving too long SMS message, which caused overfilling of a buffer is eliminated;
  • To make a work of a technical support convenient, the information about firmware and hardware versions is added to headings of all pages of a device web interface;
  • Debug information is added into the system log of a device when receiving and translating SNMP TRAP into SMS messages

NetPing company recommends updating firmware of a NetPing SMS device to the latest version. Updates are available at the official website of the company on the page of a device description in the section «Documentation and files». We hope that updating to a new firmware version will improve quality and reliability of a device operation.

Contacts - we develop, manufacture and sell monitoring devices for server rooms as well as for a remote monitoring.
Phone: +886-2-23121582
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Tags: NetPing SMS
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