Example of Using a Stationary Gas Alarm for Methane (Propane) or Carbon Dioxide AVUS-COMBI with NetPing Monitoring Units

  • Published In: Tutorial
  • Created Date: 2017-09-14
  • Hits: 810

A gas alarm AVUS-COMBI is designed to signal about exceeding specified values for pre-explosive concentrations of methane (propane) or a massive concentration of the carbon dioxide. Design features of a gas alarm allow to install it in non-explosive areas that do not contain aggressive gasses and vapors. When using a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI with devices of NetPing company, a customer gets a ready system that can be used to control the parameters of working area of residential, administrative, public, industrial premises, garages, car parks (parking lots), boiler houses and other objects of using gas. A gas alarm has one channel and can signal to switch an output relay on or to close shut-off gas valve depending on its modification. Together with the devices of the NetPing company, the gas alarm AVUS-COMBI will allow to react to the gas leakage in time by notifying via E-mail, SMS (in NetPing devices with a built-in GSM modem) and SNMP Trap.

Necessary Elements for Connecting a Gas Alarm AVUS-COMBI

To connect a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI, there is a need to have:

  1. Any device from the list below:
  2. Gas alarm AVUS-COMBI PIJM.425431.028-03 (a modification with a built-in relay).
  3. Wires for connecting a power source and controlling a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI.

Connecting a Gas Alarm AVUS-COMBI Using the Example of UniPing server solution v3 Monitoring Unit

Terminal Number of a Gas Alarm AVUS-COMBI  modification PIJM.425431.028-03 (modification with a built-in relay)Terminal Block of UniPing server solution v3
1Do not plug
2One of IO lines – 1 - 8
4Do not plug
5 (Power)GND
6 (Power)+12V

A connection scheme of a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI

To plug a gas alarm, use a wire with a cross section no less than 0,4mm2. A maximum length of the loop of a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI must not exceed 100 meters.  

Process of Configuring a Gas Alarm AVUS-COMBI in a Web Interface of a UniPing server solution v3 Monitoring Unit

To configure a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI, there is a need to perform the next actions:

1. Go to the page "DISCRETE IO" of a web interface of a UniPing server solution v3 device.

A page of a web interface for configuring a gas alarm

2. Set a description of a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI as a value of a parameter "Memo". For example, IO 1 - "Gas alarm".

Configuring memo

3. Set the value of the operation mode of an IO line as "input".

Setting an operation mode of an IO line

4. The configuration of a parameter "Filter out short noise pulses (20-10 000ms)" can be left default. More detailed information on configuration of this parameter can be found via the link For What a Filter of Short Noise Pulses Is Necessary in the Settings of an Input-Output Line?

Configuring a parameter for a filter of short noise pulses

5. A current logic level for an IO1 line when there is no gas leakage is the status "logic 1", when there is a gas leakage, the status will be "logic 0"

Status of a logic level for an IO1 line

6. To configure a parameter "Level Explained" for an IO1 line, click the button "Setup".

Configuring a description of a logic level

In the window that opens for the level "Logic 1", set a description, for example, "No gas leakage".

Specifying a description for the level Logic 1

For the level "Logic 0", specify a description, for example, "Gas Leak", and click the button "Save".

Specifying a description for the level Logic 0

7. To configure a parameter "Notification on Logic Level Change" for an IO1 line, click the button "Setup".

Configuring notifications when a logic level is changed

In the window that opens, set necessary notifications of the next types: Log, Syslog, E-mail, SMS (in devices with a built-in GSM modem) and SNMP Trap when the value of a logic level for an IO1 line is changed and click the button "Save".

Choosing necessary notifications when a logic level is changed

8. The value of parameters "Output Logic Level" and "Single Pulse" is not configured for the sensor of a gas alarm AVUS-COMBI.


Meaning of a notificationStatus of a sensorResult of displaying a UniPing server solution v3 device in a web interface
The concentration of the monitored gas exceeded the value of the second alarm threshold.LEDs continuously glow red. Continuous sound alarm.The value of the parameter "Current logic level" for "IO 1" is changed from the value "1" to the value "0"
The concentration of the monitored gas exceeded the critical value, which is dangerous for the functioning of the sensor, or the temperature of the environment exceeded the critical value (70±10) 0°CLEDs continuously glow yellow. Continuous sound alarm.The value of the parameter "Current logic level" for "IO 1" is changed from the value "1" to the value "0"

In general, the operating principle of a configured system of monitoring gas leakage looks like the next: when there is a gas leakage, LEDs on a gas alarm start glowing continuously, a signal is sent to a UniPing server solution v3 monitoring unit, and the logic level is changed from the value "1" to the value "0" in a web interface at the tab "DISCRETE IO" "IO 1". Then, notifications are sent according to specified configurations of the parameter "Notification on Logic Level Change". 

The recommendations are written on the basis of the technical information, testing has not been performed.

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