- Created By : 23-Apr-2015
- Published In: Firmware Updates (Press Releases)
- Hits: 1101
Firmware Updates (Press Releases)
RssNetPing company prepared a new version of software for NetPing 2/PWR-220 v1/SMS device. New versions of software for devices allow to increase a reliability of devices operation.
What have been changed in the latest versions?
NetPing company informs about issuing software updates for UniPing server solution v4/SMS and UniPing server solution v3 devices. New versions of software allowed to make the operation of devices more stable and functional.
So what has been changed in the latest versions?
The NetPing company issued a regular firmware update for the device NetPing /PWR-220 v3/ETH. A new firmware version allowed to make a device operation more reliable.
So what has been changed in the latest version?
NetPing company informs about issuing a firmware update for the device NetPing 4/PWR-220 v4/SMS. A new firmware version for a device allowed to make a work with a device more convenient.
So what has been changed in the latest version?
NetPing Company issued a regular firmware update for the device NetPing /PWR-220 v3/ETH. A new firmware version allowed to make a work with a device more reliable.
What was changed in the latest version?
The company NetPing global Ltd. announces an issue of firmware updates for devices for a remote monitoring of server rooms UniPing server solution v4/SMS and UniPing server solution v3. New firmware versions allowed to make an operation of devices even more convenient, stable and functional.
So what have been changed in the last versions?
NetPing global Ltd. announces a release of firmware updates for the devices NetPing 2/PWR-220 v3/ETH, NetPing 2/PWR-220 v1/SMS, NetPing, 2/PWR-220 v4/SMS. New firmware versions for devices allowed to make their operation more functional.
What have been changed in the last versions?
The company NetPing announces issuing an updated version of firmware DKSF 48.4.5 for a device NetPing 8/PWR-220 v4/SMS. This firmware version contains significant error fixes, new functionality introduced and an updated design of a device web interface.
What has been changed in the latest version?
NetPing company announces issuing a new firmware update for a device for remote monitoring of server rooms UniPing server solution v4/SMS. This firmware version contains fixes of errors, introducing new functionality and updated layout of certain pages of a device web interface.
What has been changed in the latest versions?
NetPing company reports about issuing firmware updates for devices NetPing 2/PWR-220 v3/ETH NetPing 2/PWR-220 v1/SMS NetPing 2/PWR-220 v4/SMS. New firmware versions for devices allowed to make working with devices more stable and functional.
What has been changed in the latest versions?
NetPing company announces issuing of updated firmware version DKSF 48.4.6 for a NetPing 8/PWR-220 v4/SMS device. This firmware version contains fixes, small implementations of new features and certain design updates of a device web interface.
What have been changed in the last version?
A NetPing company announces releasing a firmware update for a device of remote controlling power supply sockets NetPing 4/PWR-220 v4/SMS. This firmware version contains new functionality implementation, error fixes and layout update of certain pages of a web interface.
What has been changed in the latest version?
A NetPing company announces issuing a firmware update for a device for remote monitoring of server rooms UniPing v3. This firmware version contains the implementation of a new functionality, bug fixes, and update of a layout of certain pages of a device web interface.
What have been changed in the latest version?
The NetPing company announces issuing a firmware update for a device of remote monitoring of server rooms NetPing IO v2. This firmware version contains a small implementation of new functionality, bug fixes, and updates of a layout of certain pages of a device web interface.
What have been changed in the latest version?
NetPing company announces the issue of firmware updates for devices of remote monitoring of server rooms UniPing server solution v4/SMS and UniPing server solution v3. New firmware versions for devices contain error fixes and small implementations of new functionality.
What has been changed in the latest version?
NetPing company announces the issue of the updated firmware version DKSF 48.4.7 for the device NetPing 8/PWR-220 v4/SMS. This firmware version contains fixes of errors and a small implementation of the new functionality.
What has been changed in the latest version?
NetPing company announces the issue of updated firmware version DKSF 707.3.3 for a NetPing SMS device. This firmware version contains fixes of errors, new functionality implemented and an updated design of a device web interface.
So what have been changed in the latest version?
NetPing global Ltd. company announces the issue of firmware updates for the devices NetPing 2/PWR-220 v3/ETH NetPing 2/PWR-220 v4/SMS. New firmware versions allowed to make working with the devices more stable and more functional.
So what has been changed in the latest versions?
NetPing east Co Ltd.company announces the issue of firmware updates for devices for remote monitoring of server rooms UniPing server solution v4/SMS and UniPing server solution v3. New firmware versions for devices contain implementation of new functionality, corrections of errors and a small design alteration of a device web interface.
What have been changed in the latest version?